Mixx versus Digg?

During weekends and holidays my favorite news site, TechMeme, gets wilder than usual because I think there are fewer news outlets posting stories and even the big tech blogs dry up on the weekend.   Even more wild are holidays, which may explain the odd top story today at TechMeme today about MIXX versus DIGG.

Mike over at TechCrunch is reporting that a lot of Digg users are heading over to the new social story tagging site called Mixx.     He notes that Digg users have become increasingly frustrated with the Digg communities and mini-scandals.   A quick Alexa take on Mixx did not really seem to support the idea that MIXX poses much threat right now to DIGG, though since MIXX is still in beta it’s possible MIXX is going to be a contender when it’s known to more people.  Mixx appears to have 150k-250k daily visits (per my rough Alexa extrapolation from approx 35k Alexa rank).     Given the up and down traffic pattern at MIXX though it’s not clear it’s “taking off”, rather than it’s setting in as one of the many DIGG “also rans” that have little chance of even catching the big DIGG.

3 thoughts on “Mixx versus Digg?

  1. Perhaps if we were to differentiate between crowdsourcing and mobsourcing we might realize that catching up to the market leader can indeed happen. Whims can be powerful in the market place and often the technologically superior product will be outdone by the glitz and glamour.

  2. Pingback: Ipod Iphone and MAC » Mixx versus Digg?

  3. Pingback: Deep Jive Interests » The Power Of Techmeme Over Bloggers is … Pretty Astounding.

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