GamerGate – don’t hold your breath on changes to gaming, which is driven by Sex, Violence, and MONEY in reverse order …

RE: GamerGate

I’m always torn in these battles.  On the one hand I’m very sympathetic to the idea we need more women in computing. Also I have great contempt for the harassing / sexism / misogyny that is pervasive in video gaming  (also unfortunate is that the current trend in computer science degrees =FEWER women each year, so this probably will get worse before it gets better )

BUT …. like many gamers (and almost all conservatives) I’m sick to death of politically correct thought police, who generally claim they want free speech but really are out to stifle activities and speech that disagrees with their positions on abortion, guns, politics, race, etc.
Contrary to the 1960s indoctrinations of many of us who are in their 50s and 60s, women and men are profoundly different.  The American left still hasn’t really figured that out yet.   Gaming is overwhelmingly designed for young men and boys, who like sex and violence and react aggressively to critics.  It’s as simple as that.  We are, after all, primates behaving fairly predictably.
We should seek and harshly punish those who do the threats of violence against gaming critics, but I think it’ll be a LONG time before we see anything like the diversity and inclusion some (including ME!) would prefer to see in gaming.  The money and popularity aren’t in sync with that agenda.  Violence and sex themes are excellent behavior and interest drivers, and will continue to be used in the most popular games.

3 thoughts on “GamerGate – don’t hold your breath on changes to gaming, which is driven by Sex, Violence, and MONEY in reverse order …

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